The accordion functionality consists of two directives. One shell and any sections. The shell <ea-acc-coat ...> set the title in a 'h1' tag. The sections <ea-acc-key ...> set subtitles in a 'h2' tag and set a limit to display text in the collapsed state.

You can call this directive as follows:

<ea-acc-coat data-acc-title="Example of accordeon"> <ea-acc-key data-title="Sub title 1 of accordeon" data-txt-len="20"> --- Html code for the first section --- </ea-acc-key> <ea-acc-key data-title="Sub title 2 of accordeon" data-txt-len="10"> --- Html code for the second section --- </ea-acc-key> <ea-acc-key data-title="Sub title n-th of accordeon" data-txt-len="10">
First col
Second col
Third col
</ea-acc-key> </ea-acc-coat>

Example of accordeon

--- Html code for the first section --- --- Html code for the second section ---
First col
Second col
Third col