The eaPathLink functionality is automatically used at the beginning of each HTML page

The WebInfo application uses this directive when calling up the Html pages in the menu in a parameterized manner as TemplateUrl

'computed.html'. <div class="eaCard"> <ea-path-link></ea-path-link> <div class="eaContent"> <div ea-add-html = "⟨{url}}"></div> </div> </div> You can see the result at the top of every html page.
The directive uses the following coding 'use strict'; var eaPathLinkDirective = function ($rootScope, $location, navSrv) { return { restrict: 'E', replace: true, templateUrl: "app/template/pathLink.html", controller: function($scope) { if($rootScope.isLoaded_naviList) { $scope.naviList = $rootScope.naviList; $scope.currLink = getCurrentLink($rootScope, $location.path()); } else { $scope.naviList = {};}; $rootScope.$on("LoadJsonFile-naviList", function(evt, opt) { $scope.naviList = $rootScope.naviList; $scope.currLink = getCurrentLink($rootScope, $location.path()); }); }, link: function (scope, ele, attrs) { // The last operation for include HTML home page // for the first call of application ele.ready(function(){ scope.$parent.$apply(); }); } }; };
The templateUrl: "app/template/pathLink.html" looks like this.
<div class="eaLinkPath eaContent"> <span ng-repeat="o in currLink"> <a ng-show="⟨{currLink.length}}>⟨{$index+1}}" style="color: #222" href="⟨{o.href}}">⟨{o.label}} </a><span ng-show="⟨{currLink.length}}>⟨{$index+1}}"> </span><span ng-show="⟨{currLink.length}}===⟨{$index+1}}">⟨{o.label}} </span> </span> </div>