This directive is used to display self-saved videos. The display is adapted to the images of the eaImg and eaImgBox directives.
If the browser cannot display the video, a standard message is stored in the parameters ("vdoNo"), which is displayed if required.
Call the video 'Fehmarn-2021-Wing-Foil_Go.mp4'. <ea-video data-vdo-src="content/video/Fehmarn-2021-Wing-Foil_Go.mp4" data-vdo-body="The ride with a wing foil is shown."> </ea-video> That is the result,
The directive uses the following HTML code: <div> <video class="img-fluid img-thumbnail" src="⟨{vdoSrc}}" controls> ⟨{vdoNo}}
⟨{vdoBody}} </video> <div class="eaImgBody"> ⟨{vdoBody}} </div> </div>
The content, such as video source and display text, is provided in the coding of the directive. 'use strict'; var eaVideo = function ( $rootScope ) { return { restrict: 'E', replace: true, templateUrl: "app/template/video.html", // local scope scope: true, controller: function($scope) { $scope.scope_eaVideoDirektive = $scope.url; // get parameter vdoNo $scope.vdoNo = $rootScope.paramsApp.vdoNo; }, // controller link: function (scope, ele, attrs) { scope.vdoSrc = attrs.vdoSrc; scope.vdoBody = attrs.vdoBody; } }; // return }; // eaVideo()